Sylia's Journal
Buring Bad Karma since 2007...
20 icons from Chungking Express 
7th-Jun-2006 09:47 pm
Swamped, himitsu no hanazono swamped
And now for something completely different, Chungking Express icons! I just love this movie and as catdecember put it, this is the movie where Faye Wong made stalking über cool *hee*

+ Teaser


01. 02. 03.
04. 05. 06.
06. 08. 09.
10. 11. 12.
13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18.
19. 20.

+ Comments and Credit are very much appreciated.
+ If you don't know how to credit,  click here!
+ Do not hotlink, I have a very limited bandwidth.

+ Yadda yadda yadda... caps and other stuff by me.

7th-Jun-2006 04:32 pm (local)
...and with this post, you just made my whole frakking day. I love this film!

Thank you, dear. These are gorgeous! I'm completely spoiled for choice. :)

7th-Jun-2006 04:44 pm (local)
EEE! More Chungking Express love! I love love this movie, and everything Wong Kar Wai has ever made in general (except for Ashes of Time, which I haven't seen yet)... this movie is so beautifully shot, with so much memorable moments! Not to mention Takeshi Kaneshiro and Tony Leung, two actors I have a big crush on! :)

I'm so glad you like the icons! I'm glad I've made your frakking day! :)
7th-Jun-2006 04:47 pm (local)
The men are definitely lovely, but my favorite has got to be Faye Wong (who you icon-ed so beautifully and plentifully!) - this was my first real experience with her, and she charmed the socks off me. I'll never hear "California Dreaming" again without thinking of her bopping to it. :)
7th-Jun-2006 04:59 pm (local)
this was my first real experience with her, and she charmed the socks off me. I'll never hear "California Dreaming" again without thinking of her bopping to it. :)
Hear Hear!!! I saw this movie when it came out back in 1994... almost alone in a dinky V.O.S movie theater. V.O.S. stands for "versión original subtitulada", that is to say the movie in its original version with subtitles, I know this is the way movies are shown is most countries, but here in Spain, all movies are dubbed and if you want to watch the actual voices of actors ... you can only do that going to V.O.S. movie theaters! I'm quite lucky because here in Madrid there are several of those movie theaters, and most of the movies I want to watch are offerd in those theaters! So yay me! Anyway, I remember watching this movie almost alone in the theater and being totally mesmerized by it! From the mysterious women in a wig, to the prettiness of Takeshi Kaneshiro and Tony Leung, and the joie de vivre of Faye Wong's character, so charming and cute! Also whenever I hear "California Dreaming" I cannot help but think about the movie!
7th-Jun-2006 07:02 pm (local)
These are gorgeous! koalathebear is going to love them! I dore them all, the colour and the crops!
8th-Jun-2006 04:23 am (local)
EEE!!! I'm so glad you like them!!

BTW, I adore you Vicky Zhao "Yay!" icon from A Chinese Odyssey ... I'm so going to snag it! ;)
8th-Jun-2006 04:29 am (local)
I am so glad you like it! Vicky Zhao is so cute in that movie!
7th-Jun-2006 08:00 pm (local)
oh my goodness, these are all great!!! :D
8th-Jun-2006 04:19 am (local)
:) ... I LOVE this movie, the cinematography is so beautiful that making icons from is produces really pretty colors! I'm glad you like them! :)
8th-Jun-2006 02:00 pm (local)
CE was my first wong kar wai movie...so it holds place in my heart. :)
7th-Jun-2006 09:33 pm (local)
Eeee these are beautiful! I am taking them all! All of them! :D
8th-Jun-2006 04:17 am (local)
EEE! I'm so glad you like them! Since I caught Chungking Express on tv last week, I've seen the movie two more times... and I just had to make some icons from it!
10th-Oct-2007 08:38 am (local)
Huala, esta entrada tiene un tiempo ya pero no podía dejar de comentar y decir que CE es una gran gran GRAN película. Te robo todos los iconos y tengo que decir que te odio momentáneamente por hacerme elegir :p


PD: por cierto, espero que no te importe que comente en español, he escrito esto deprisa y corriendo y para escribir en inglés necesito tranquilidad ^^
12th-Oct-2007 07:00 pm (local)
Jejeje, por tu icono supongo que CE no es la única película de Wong Kar Wai que te gusta ;). Gracias por tu simpático comentario, en cierto modo hasta me alegro que hayas tendito que "odiarme momentáneamente" por no poder decidirte que iconos pillar, ejejejeje un subidón de ego viene bien de vez en cuando. Pues eso, que disfrutes los iconillos! :)

PD: por cierto, espero que no te importe que comente en español, he escrito esto deprisa y corriendo y para escribir en inglés necesito tranquilidad ^^
No pasa ná! Hay bastante gente en mi lista que escribe a veces en castellano y yo contesto tan tranquila! :)
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